Wednesday, 30 January 2013


Excuse me!!! Look how gorgeous our new issue is!! 

Inside are very many inspiring treats. Here are just a couple of my favourites...

A lovely intimate unfashiony shoot with Cara Delevingne sat around at home with her Mum and drumming. Cara is a drumming fanatic like my hero Animal from the Muppets. (OMG imagine if one day they were to do a duet together. OMG!!!)

From the same shoot - Edie Campbell changing a lightbulb, locked out her flat, and pulling manic faces on the M40. Love this so much! 

Ahhh look it's Kate Moss wearing flowers, a dragon fly and stockings. Such pretty curves. Words by Angela Carter.

Legendary sixties icon Peggy Moffitt larking around on set like a teenager. Uhhhmazing.

 Hot artist/hilarious person Phoebe Collings-James. Gorgeous.

Superbubbly Abbey Clancey and the gang in lovely Liverpool. Hiya!!

Funkyoffish fashion starlet Ashley Williams. Yes babe!

Edie rocking long curls. Oh so wrongly right. 

Edie in seventies Blue Peter dancing mode. Perfection!!

Hollie-May Saker. That face!

Most of all THIS: Cara manically air-drumming/dancing/cross eyed rapping along to Azealia's 1991, with Three Musketeer hair, wearing a strange outfit by Anthony 'Fred' Symonds. Everything colliding in comic wonkiness yet looking stunning. Katie Grand renaming her DOGTANIAN and me getting the really bad giggles. 

Oh hi Katie!

That was a really fun issue. Thank you for that!!