Trees are fluffy and pink, puffed up boy pigeons are chasing round after totally-not-interested girl pigeons, and we're sunbathing in the park even though it's only 16 degrees. Hey, this must mean Spring's (finally) here...
According to Czech tradition, kissing under a blossom tree keeps you young and beautiful. Nice idea...
Talking of blossoms, look what Michael van der Ham has made me...

...a pale delicate mohair clutch strewn with flower shaped vintage crystals and a sprinkling of chunky modern ones resembling broken glass. Lined with a subtle flower printed silk of course.
Already taken it out on the town with this gorge Heikki Salonen quilted silk jacket....
It's got me dreaming about a fully formed delicious van der Ham accessories range...
C'mon Michael, stop being a tease and Sort It Out xx