Monday 20 September 2010


Michael van der Ham made me well up....the colours, the softness, the cleverness. Hell...the sheer unabashed LOVELINESS of it all....
So nice to see him happy and chatting away with Tim Blanks after the show. And although we're a bit jealous, we LOVE that Bjork has already pilfered the rails... xx

As for Richard Nicoll's...

Picture this: an empty railway station at twilight, Nina Simone's 'Wild is the Wind' playing softly, Jeanette opening the show (marching down the runway spraying Michael Boadi perfume) followed by Rich's most  sophisticated, erotic collection yet. Too much!

Managed to hold it together (just) but me and Rori gripped each others arms so tight we still have the claw marks. Thank God then for Sloanie to snap us out of our reveries by showing off his latest shopping spoils - a vintage clown suit and fab T shirt...

Dicks Nics...we love you and your unforgetable show xx